Tips On Writing Job Applications

A job application represents your first and possibly only opportunity to impress an employer into wanting to hire you. An application can make or break your chances of success with landing a job, so in this article, we'll let you in on some tips that can help make your job application stick out amongst the stack.

- When you first go in to apply, be sure to be polite to the receptionist or whatever person you encounter that is getting you the application. Bosses sometimes ask these people their initial impressions of the applicant, and if you are polite and kind, you may stick out amongst the rest.

- You should use a pen with blue or black ink when filling out an application. Pens are more formal then pencils, and any other color ink will be distracting to the person perusing your application. If you're unsure of your ability to fill the application out properly the first time, you may want to bring an erasable pen.

- Another factor that employers often use when testing applicants is to see how exactly how prepared of a person the applicant is. Be sure to bring a pen with you when you are applying; asking the receptionist for a pen is seen as bad form by many bosses.

- Be sure to bring with you a quick fact sheet based on your personal information that may come into play on the application. Be sure to have references, past job experience, and other notable application information with you so that you don't have to leave to find out the address or phone number of a former employer.

- Be sure not to leave any blanks on the application. If there is a box that doesn't apply to you, don't leave it empty; employers may think that you just missed it. Write 'Not Applicable' in the box to let them know that you saw the field.

- If you have noticeable periods of unemployment between jobs in your job history, be sure to note on the application exactly what the cause of your lack of work was, such as saying that you were going to school for a period of time.

These quick hints can make the difference between whether or not you are chosen for your desired position. By being prepared and confident while undergoing the application process, you may seem of high stature to your future employer, furthering your chances at getting the job. Best of luck!


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